Tubulin polymerization effect of anti-cancer signals, a proof of concept
Increasing lipid production in algae using signals derived from genetic materials shows promising effect
Treating adult recurrent glioblastoma patients with EMulates therapeutic medical device, data from feasibility study
Effects of Magnetic Fields on Biological Systems – An Overview
A feasibility study of the EMulate Voyager® device in patients with recurrent glioblastoma in Australia
EMulate technology: a third-party overview
Precision knockdown of EGFR gene expression using radio frequency electromagnetic energy
Psychology Today: a possible role for electromagnetic therapy in mental health
Positive pre-clinical results of EMulate’s pain-treating signals in validated animal studies
Tubulin Polymerization Rates Produced by EMulate Therapeutics’ Anti-Cancer ulRFE® Derived from Paclitaxel as Compared to Known Clinical Concentrations of Paclitaxel (Cremaphor/EL Suspension)